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Help Club Softball Swing into Spring!

Northeastern Club Softball

The Huskies are back! We had a great season back on the field this fall, ending third in our division. The Softball team is looking to continue the fun into the spring with a trip to the NCSA's Swing into Spring tournament in Florida in addition to games against local schools.

As a club organization, much of the funds needed to support our team are raised by members through fundraising initiatives. All of our players put in a lot of hard work and dedication this past fall to make this team as successful as possible, and we would love to see this hard work pay off at the tournament in Florida. In order to make this trip a reality for our team, we are asking for help from friends, family, and alumni to support us!

We kindly ask that you make a donation to the team of any amount. Any size donation will be greatly appreciated and will help our team compete in the NCSA's Swing into Spring Tournament to cover expenses such as league fees, umpires, facilities, and travel costs. We are excited to get back out on the field in the spring and hopefully bring back some wins from Florida. Go Huskies!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 200.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 150.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 30.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 200.00

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 500.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 50.00