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Seeking your support for Community Resource Dog.

NUPD Community Resource Dog

The Northeastern University Police Department excitedly welcomes the addition of a Community Resource Dog to the department and to Northeastern’s Boston campus. Cooper , pictured here, will be a specialized resource to our students, staff, faculty, our department personnel, and to our neighbors in the local Boston community. Brought to us and trained by in Walpole, Mass.

NUPD, an agency that firmly embraces the concept of meaningful engagement with those whom we are called to serve and protect, realize that our dog, once his training is complete, will serve our community in unique and inspiring ways.

Our CRD will enhance NUPD’s outreach and engagement efforts and thus strengthen communal bonds within the Northeastern community. Dogs transcend cultures, religious beliefs and political affiliations, so we know that our CRD will provide immeasurable benefits and help to establish stronger relationships with our community’s diverse population. The CRD will provide comfort, emotional support, and generous affection to the many members of our university community.

Community Resource Dog’s are a proven means for the reduction of anxieties and everyday stressors. The negative effects of such situations as worrying about pending exams, having stressful workdays, experiencing personal crisis, crime victimization, or witnessing traumatic events, etc. – can all be lessened by the comforting and reassuring presence of a highly trained support canine. In addition to this, studies have shown that a dog with its Police Officer handler makes the officer more approachable to individuals who do not typically feel comfortable with the thought of approaching a uniformed officer. Our experienced officer/handler will conduct frequent walking patrols of the Academic and Residential areas of campus. Many of our campus partners such as Residential Life, Student Affairs, University Health and Counseling Services, various student groups, and others have already begun to express interest in having our CRD join in their upcoming events!

College life can be stressful and so can the adjustment to a completely new living environment. Trained animals such as CRDs can bring a smile and sense of calmness to students dealing with depression, anxiety, and loneliness. We believe that the overall mental well-being of so many of our students will improve with this canine program. In unfortunate times of crisis when a member of our community needs comfort, mental health assistance, and/or guidance, having an affectionate dog can provide people with the support they need to turn a negative and/or potentially volatile situation into a positive, reassuring, and potentially lifesaving moment.

We firmly believe that our Community Resource Dog will bring tremendous benefits to so many members of our University community and will do so for years to come. His purchase, extensive training, veterinary care, food, and equipment needs however do come with significant financial costs. It is for this reason that we are seeking your support, no matter how small, in order to provide him with the best care possible.

Thank you!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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  • - $ 20.21

  • - $ 50.00